

Researchers, educators and teachers involved in Kateika education at the elementary through University level. 

One-time joining fee: 1000 yen

Annual membership fee (per year):

(individual) membership 9000 yen, student membership 5000 yen
(includes a one-year subscription to the JAHEE journal) 

Application form

To apply to become a JAHEE member, please download the application form as a word-file or a pdf-file and return a completed form to the JAHEE office via mail, fax or email (as an attached file). The JAHEE Office will then send a payment (bank remittance) form. Membership will start upon confirmation of payment of the required fees.

3F YT Building Nakamachi 4-39-11 Otsuka Bunkyo-ku Tokyo Japan
The Japan Association of Home Economics Education Office

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